Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm homeless

So it happened. My childhood home is no longer mine. I've had so many memories here. We moved to Uintah Circle when I was in 1st grade. So I've experienced grade school, middle school, and high school from my snug little room. When living in this house, I learned how to read and write, ride a two-wheel bike, shoot a basket, play the flute. I learned how to drive. I learned how to be a friend. I learned to appreciate Jack Beur and Michael Scott. I fell in love. I raised two goats, lots of fish and birds, a dog, a cat, and a sister. I came to love Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Stand By Me, and Half-baked ice cream. I learned how to read through the night without my parents noticing, thanks to my nifty flashlight and extra batteries hidden under my pillow. I learned who I was and where I wanted to go. I learned to tell stories here. I learned the borat voice. I learned how to touch my elbows to each other behind my back. I grew to know Harry Potter and Elizabeth Bennet. I came to understand injustices around the world. I learned how to be a good neighbor, even if it did cost us a 150 year old tree. I learned to ski. I learned to swim. I learned to run. I learned to laugh at myself. I learned to laugh at others. I learned to stand up for what I believe in. I learned to study hard. I learned German (kinda). I learned to organize. I came to love swimsuit running in snow. I loved "24" family home evenings. I loved delivering food to shut-ins. I loved young womens. Night games. Airsoft wars. Movies in the backyard. Secret rooms. Lighting hitting our house. The bath tub falling through the ceiling. The boxing matches between my dad and I. Me and Karen's dance parties. Yard makeover. Black and White party. My Fair Lady party. I was stretched in all different directions while living in this house. I would hardly recognize that small first grader who moved here 11 years ago.
I can't believe that when I come home from college I won't really be coming home. Sure we'll still have another house, but really, this is and forever will be my home.


Anthony said...

That's so odd. I mean, I've always been one to act on impulses but straight up moving on impulse is like against my genetic code or something. Haha. Though I will say, you are NOTHING like you were back in Elementary School.

Kristin said...

wait, where are you moving?

Miss Stack said...

we're moving to a house in my ward. Hey, Anthony, what was I like in elementary school?

Anthony said...

Not like you are now? Hahaha. I don't really know how to explain it. You were much more the stereotypical girl, much less the individual. Probably the same personality at the core- you're still nice and you still talk the same with the same mannerisms... just... I dunno, I'm talking myself in circles. I should be quiet now...

Jocelyn said...
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